Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Its been way too long!! Has been a busy summer!
Mom, Hiram and Micah came to visit 8/25-9/2. They also brought Lola :) It was a great visit, we went to Lassen National Volcanic park and hiked the Bumpass Hell trail that was really neat, it leads to these boiling sulfer pits and there is steam just coming out of the ground, sounds kind of like jets taking off at the airport and it stinks really bad like sulfer but it was very cool. We also hiked around Manzanita lake and that was very beautiful too, lassen park is such a beautiful place and not very far away...... We also went to Wiskeytown Lake and relaxed at home and watched movies.
On July 12th, I flew to San Diego to meet Aaron for his Grandpa Agner's 90th birthday party. It was nice to meet Aaron's extended family in Southern California. Aaron had driven down the previous friday with his family and i made it just in time for the birthday party. I was extremely tired b/c i only had about 3 hours of sleep. I didn't get home from the wedding the night before until about 12am, got to bed around 1 am, tried to sleep unsuccessfully until 4am and then drove to Sacramento to catch my flight to San diego. I was exhausted but I had a great time. The b-day party was on Sunday, we went to the beach in Carlsbad on Monday and Aaron's parents taught me how to boogie board, then on Tuesday we went to the Wild Animal Park and then flew home wednesday.......It was a great trip, I hope we get to go every year.
Posted by Sarah at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Bachelorette Cruise May 3-7

So we left for our trip Sunday morning May 3rd. We drove from Redding to Sac and then flew to San Diego. Our flight was uneventful but I still don't like to fly, I'm not sure why, i just hate it! Our stewardess was really cool though and gave us free drinks and lots of peanuts and pretzels. We got to SD and then headed over to the ship. It was kind of a long process to get on the boat but we got there about 1 pm. It was a little chaotic the first day because there are about 2,000 passengers on board and no one really knows what they are supposed to be doing or where anything is. We had lunch and then headed to our rooms to check them out. Our luggage wasn't there yet so we went exploring the ship. We took a tour of the gym and spa and signed up for our shore excursions for the next day. We had to do the emergency drill and then we set sail at 5:30. We had dinner and then headed to the big lounge where they had a game show going on and then we played bingo. Then we were tired and headed to bed.
Monday morning we had to get up early and get ready. Laurie and I had breakfast at the buffet and then we met everyone else so we could take the shoreboat over to Catalina. Summer, Laurie, Autumn and I went on a wildlife rafting tour, which was cool. We saw some blue herring, seagull nests, a bald eagle, and then went out and found dolphins. They were huge! and they kept swimming around the boat. Then we went back in and took a boat back to our ship to have lunch. Then Autumn and I went and met her brother and one of his friends and the four of us went snorkling. It was really cool, there was tons of fish! after that we headed back to the boat and we set sail again at 4:30. We laid out in the sun for a bit and then it got cold. We got ready for the captains dinner that night and it was really good. It's nice b/c all the food is included so you can have as many appetizers, entree's and desserts as you want! Then we went and looked as some of our pics that they take on the ship, then headed to a show in the Mikado lounge. I started to not feel so well so I went back to the room about 10:30. I ended up getting sick that night and was really sick and feeling like crap through the next day. I finally went to the infirmery around 12pm b/c i had been vomiting for over 12 hours and couldn't keep any fluids down. I was quite dehydrated and had to get some IV fluids and some nausea meds to help me stop dry heaving. The medicine made me really tired so when the IV was done I went back to the room about 2pm and slept till 5, woke up still didn't feel good so went back to sleep. Woke up about 6pm and was finally feeling better. I was told not to go to the dining room until I was cleard by the doctor so I had to order room service that night. So pretty much whole 3rd day was spent in the cabin.... we were supposed to dock at Ensenada the 3rd day but with the whole swine flu thing going on they didn't let anyone get off the ship. Everyone else just hung out, played volleyball and laid in the sun.
The 4th day was another day at sea. It was in the 70's but overcast. Laurie and I played some mini golf. Then wandered around the ship. We met up with everyone else for lunch and then we all played another round of mini golf. The dinner was really good that night too, I finally had my appetite back. We went to a comedy show but he wasn't that great. Then headed back to the cabin about 1am. We had to get up early to be out of the cabin by 8:30am. We got off the ship after breakfast and headed to the airport. Our flight wasn't till 12 so we all played catch phrase while waiting for our flight. The flight home was nice, very little turbulence. We landed and drove home thursday. It was really fun but I was glad to get home. I missed Aaron a lot and it was really hard to keep in contact with him because the internet on board is via satellite and really slow and there were international roaming/texting rates that were really expensive so I didn't talk to him much. For about 3 days after we got home I still felt like the ground was moving, it was so weird! I would like to go on another cruise sometime, hopefully with Aaron next time, now that I know what to expect.
Posted by Sarah at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Aaron's surprise 30th birthday party
Maddy the cat and I
Aaron is turning 30 on May 24th so I decided to have a surprise party for him. He is very conscious about what is going on around him so I thought it would be really tough to get this party all together and invite all his friends without him knowing but I pulled it off and he didn't find out about it until we were pulling up to my friends house and one of his friends was running late and we pulled up right behind him. Then when we got there his roomate was right in the front of the house unloading an ice chest..... well at least I kept it a surprise until we got there..... so everyone was gathered in the living room waiting to yell "surprise" and aaron came in the back door b/c he helped his friend carry the ice chest to the backyard....
It was a really fun party. We had hot dogs/hamburgers, horse shoe pit, pool, lots of food and drinks, a slip n slide. It was a luau theme and overall it turned out really good. I got all of Aarons school friends and all his fishing buddies together and we all just had a good time. Autumn was nice enough to let us have this big party at their home, which is perfect for parties and it turned out great, so thank you Autumn!
One of the pics I posted is of this huge wolf spider that was on Aaron's wall. It was so big! I told him he had to kill it so when he went to kill it, it started running and Aaron was chasing it and tried to smash it again, and it ended up getting flung into the bed and ran down the backside between the mattress and headboard. Needless to say we tore Aaron's be apart and took off the Mattress and box springs and found it on the back of one of the box springs. Gross! I'm glad we found it. Then we cleaned all the dust from under his bed b/c I don't think it's been cleaned in like 7 years so there was tons of dust. I'm glad it was the weekend b/c that little adventure turned out to be about 2 1/2 hrs.....
Aaron and I have been riding our bikes as much as possible. The weathers been great and we've been going after he gets off work. I hope to ride again this weekend, or maybe fish. Tomorrow is Aaron's actual birthday so I guess he gets to pick what we do :)
Posted by Sarah at 10:45 PM 0 comments
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